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CIB $300,000 Greenhouse Project.

Over the past several years, Coshocton in Bloom has added more containers and hanging baskets to our inventory. This past year we invested in extra-large baskets to hang on our new bridge coming into our city.

Problem: Our Area Greenhouses were unable to continue to plant, grow and stage our growing number of containers in a timely manner. We had simply outgrown our suppliers ability to supply us.


Solution: The Coshocton in Bloom board decided the best solution would be to build our own greenhouses to plant and stage the various containers used throughout our community. CIB researched the activities and costs involved in purchasing land and building two greenhouses. CIB then began a fund-raising campaign. Within a few weeks we had over $200,000.00 committed to the project from various sources including foundations and private individuals!

Location: The vacant property that we chose had previously been used as a greenhouse facility. It was a level 2.3 acres lot which would allow for future growth. It is within the City Limits as well as near the city schools. We were able to negotiate a favorable price with favorable terms. The building removal and property clearing took place during the fall and winter of 2021, and the greenhouses were ready for production in early spring of 2022. Our partners are our donors, both for the capital project and for our continuing operations, past present and future; the people and businesses that rent our pots; the City and County: the foundations, our board members, Clary Gardens, Roscoe Village, and community volunteers.

Sustainability: Our current rate of donations and rental income. The cost of production should decrease even though there will be additional expenses such as utilities and upkeep. With the proximity of the schools, we will help with science and biology classes and any other related subjects. Adults and garden clubs will enjoy the facility and can use it as a meeting place or learning center.

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